Insanity and craziness have a strange relationship;
It’s insane when you are amenable to the crazy mess
Your oppressors consistently inflict upon you and yours;
You have to be insane to aid in your own dehumanization.
A crazy persons fears nothing in his/her weird world
But an insane person is one who fears not being feared.
Thus, a fearless bigoted leader is not crazy but insane
And is well aware of his/her murderous insane behavior
And knows there are crazy people who will support him/her.
Being subjected to tyrannical racist oppression is crazy
And it’s insane not to rise up and fight such brutal tyranny.
Ironically, apathetic oppressed people are both crazy and insane
Living pandemic depressing lives that do not seem to matter;
Lives daily lost to disparity in care and law and order murders.
It’s crazy with what is going on in the American nation today
And it’s insane how so many in the world sit quietly by watching
As her once believed democratic principles are slowly eroding.
And while it may seem crazy to believe a change is going to come,
It would be damn insane not to have audacious faith in the coming.
Commanding a paper-like ship in a rip-roaring political sea is insane;
Each and every perilous journey eventually comes to a stormy end.
Truth has no counter narratives; what is sown is what will be reaped:
Is America’s present viral political pandemonium just crazy or insane?