Iscomart | Poetry Vibe
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The mind is friendly stranger

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It all starts with a thought



Views: 219
It all starts with a thought so I killed, I have issues with my ego, placing myself above amongst all, Ruling was my calling and power was mine to bear, My wife was laid to rest, guess why? Because she wished me death, And my son I slit his throat all because he desired to be like me. Out of the heart the mouth speaks for it all starts with a thought so i killed I have killed the ones I loved and the ones I don't, only interest keeps us together but it won't be long when our desires seems to clash. It all starts with a thought so I killed, but when it comes to politics one must be diplomatic until there is no reason to! By iscomart

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Interesting write. Consider this, it is said that "...Wisdom dwells in contemplation; there we must seek her..." Consider this, can the mouth speak the heart or does it simply speaks the mind, i.e, does the mind control the heart or the heart, the mind? What controls the spirit? If there is no fear in love, why should love have to kill; except hate? Is there a reason to be diplomatic in today's POTUS politics? Write a poem, "It all starts with a thougt: Part 2 or simple, a poem entitled, "AFTERTHKOUGHT". Your poetic mind is germinating, Iscomart. Contiue to blosom. Peace and Love, mlowe.

Iscomart says:

Thank you sir! This one of my old poems I wasn't able to post, I decided to post it. I sometimes create events in my head just for the fun of it.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Now that you have matured in your thoughts, refocus on the initial write and develop to where you are now. Creativity grows with time. Peace and Love.

Iscomart says:

Very true! I would try to review it and make changes to it. God bless you for your time
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:


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