<3 | Poetry Vibe
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So long and goodbye,

don't shed a tear, don't begin to cry,

She loved her life,

even filled with strife.

Created her days ,

some filled with dismay.

There was a sadness in her eyes,

from all her secrets all her lies.

She would smile at you she would smile at me,

little did we know very little did we see.

Her laughter would fill a quiet room,

but behid all that lurked infident gloom.

It pained her to get up from day to day,

wishing her heart to give out her body to just lay.

Going through the motions day in and day out,

waiting for the dark to engulf her without a pout.

She wished everyday for these feelings to change,

 but she was so far gone they were so far out of range.

She longed in the nights for someone to take her life,

her destiny was fulfilled when she met the blade of her knife.

The world will awake to a bright tommorow,

and come to know of her pain and sorrow.

Don't shed a tear don't you cry,

her life was cursed it was time to say goodbye.

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