jwins | Poetry Vibe
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A Ransom for None



Views: 290

Their faces were never placed on milk cartons.

Not a reward offered for their return.

The children that went missing...

Became the lost.

So, who can search for them, that they may be found?

When their identities have been ransacked by thieves.

Who can call for them, that they may answer?

No longer do they know their names to take heed.

They have been changed and replaced with foreign aliases.

So, who does the children know to tell?

When their native tongues have been ripped, torn, then forged with a lingo of a savage nature.

A language full of barriers.

It's wake up time!

Do you know where the children are?

They're being raised in the house of horrors, by thier captors.

In the land of gallows, as they bear thier crosses.

Whipped... beaten... and chained...

Now... they have taken on the brutal ways of them.

And when they cry out for redemption...

They... their captors mock them and are not afraid.

Because the children...

Commence to pray to the "god" that been given them.

The children are unaware that they are the people.

And they have become like the "Battered wife"

That refuses to abandon her abuser,

While giving him back his name, that boasts of her bondage.

Missing?... Lost?... or just plain Stockholm?

Though freedom is a birthright... it has never been given for free.

And nor will it ever be.

But the children have become severly dependent.

And they fear THE EMANCIPATION...

Jen'uwin Mor c2020


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Yes indeed it is wake up time

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

What a powerful pen! Indeed, it's wake up time; it's time we the mothers and fathers of the children---whether you created them or not---wake up and face that we have somehow allowed this happening to the children: "...fear...[of]...THE EMANCIPATION..." The children have to be taught, given and nourished with the LOVE of freedom---an Emancipation that has been fought and won. With such LOVE, there is and can be no fear of anything but failure. Indeed, the children are dependent! Let's get on with making them independently free warriors of Emancipation. Jen'uwin Mor, thanks for this powerful thought provoking share. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

TEEDUB815 says:

Wake Up Time To All. This Poem Is Powerful. Thanks TEEDUB815

mrmelody7 says:

jwins strikes again with her heavy duty open your eyes expressions

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