Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Elite Speak (Manic Freestyle)



Views: 275
While you flip rocks I trick and rig stocks Economy on standstill I choose who wins in which block While you go hustling for reptilian paper I pull strings on dumb cops Politicians in my pocket I see ALL With my big brother optic Ignorant minds roam and roar Another statistic cop Population control Place you into 'Dulce' dark pit This is but a simplistic view synopsis I 'press the button' to start war With thermonuclear rockets We implement HAARP, Blue beam and Project Monarch alike We cause global recession Then let pain sting twice Remote viewing and Project Pegasus along with slow genetic destruction We blatantly spit upon the populace and cause nation eruption We create inflation and you can't do a thing for disruption Got you scared to speak the truth about our obvious corruption Phlegm spit through multiple Chemtrail Watch millions die While we make you catch an attack Like a black bat Scavenging and ravaging Lose your job, your home and family For you its a tragedy But your suffering Just bought me a crimson canopy I sit high and above Watching the world just atrophy You all complain of my power But recognize I can 'poof' you quite magically Its sad to see The populace mad at me But I find humor in your talks of revolution But ONLY action I see Are your lips twitching flappingly I rig elections Yet you think your vote counts Each president is of my selection I keep winning in every bout Some of you know me Some even think they can overthrow me The closer you get to the truth I'll make you blow me Have you in an 'accidental plane crash' If you try to 'show me' We control everything From what you see, hear, read and eat I got most of you dumb(ed) down We no longer have to be discreet Fooled the streets And we got the rest to follow Now you do our job for us Kill each other off And the rest are hollow Too concerned about your rims I made you so shallow And while many governmentally borrow I increase the struggle in your lives Give you a life of sorrow You can raise fists But our 'Order out of Chaos remains We put the planet on the black list And we've microchipped your brains Stem cells and plasma Both infected by blood line We will arrest all conspiracy theorists And claim it was for a drug crime Stop your whining and wailing And just accept your reality There is nothing you can do to stop us We'll just claim your truth as insanity Just go out and kill Another member of your race You were born into mediocrity And we'll make sure you die as a disgrace Signed: Bilderberg Group

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