There's no manual to this love thang
No specific guidelines nor is there an outline
of what to do
We take off and fly .. most times without wings
Deciding to take a risk on where it may take us by sticking to it and following through
Landing on a small hill of peace in the midst of chaos we are expected to be the calm after the storm
We are expected to battle the pressures of society that were placed upon us at birth and at times decide to against what others consider to be the norm
In love it's better to dance to the beat of your own drums and set the standards that most appropriately apply to your situation
There is no one way to grow in love so don't fall victim to expectations
There is no manual to this love thing
Only real raw emotions
Real raw connections
Body, mind and soul devotions
And accepting perfect imperfections
It is the exchange of words that are sometimes only felt and never heard
The look in the eyes that is filled with truth and never lies
Love is..
So unexpected
So intense and often manifested
You see this love thing does not come with a manual to give you step by step directions to successfully reach the end result you desire
This love thing is built in the middle of a disaster and like a Phoenix rises, renewed and reborn from the ashes of the fire