mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 322



Listen my people, today the time is up;

Kicking back and chilling, we must interrupt.

True liberation has not yet been won;

Realize this: there’s still a lot of work to be done.


Ponder where we were and now where we are:

It has been like 1 step forward…2 steps backwards!

Get up…stand up…we have yet to reach the set bar;

We are Mandingo warriors, not Sisyphus cowards!

Remember, we are of the Nile forever flowing upwards;

We are children of the light of that ever glowing eastern star!


Yes, we set a precedent with the election of a black president;

But the bigots came and stole back the white house resident.

Oh, their his-story remains inundated with their tricky incidents;

And our-story remains impregnated with strong comeback events.


            Time is up and it’s time to get up

            And it’s time to get the work done;

            Time is up and it’s time to get up

            And follow the upcoming rising sun.


During the trod, we have sometimes traveled as if fools;

Praises be, the Most High has today gifted us with new tools;

Now realize that unevaluated approaches led to tragedies,

We must now confront our foes with new gifted strategies!


          Remember, it’s time to get up: “sho’s yu born”;

          Only the worker dies, the damn work goes on.

         We got to get this done no matter how;

        Pray god, feet don’t fail us now.


P.S.:  Just one last note; get off that black beautiful booty and vote!     



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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Yes sir....there is no other time like the present time and its urgency....not all will answer the call, but I pray more than enough will put aside fakery to lift up humanity for the world to see and bask on its brightness towards re-awakened trajectory!

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mrmelody7 says:

Time is up I just cant see how all those sorry old critters called senators and congressman and women let one man destroy a country dont care about how people are suffering NO Caps for none of them cause I dont respect none of them throw the Rascals out let the young folks have their chance to legislate their lives
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

2b2b2, our generation is depending on U and yours! Our time is limited; we just pray we have been steadfast in our Mission Purpose. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I hear you Sir. Yet, we must go out with the greatest of inspiration and encouragement that was passed on to us. It's HAMMER TIME! Peace and Love, mlowe5.

LP45 says:

I totally agree Mlowe5. Too many folk are too complacent and think their vote won't matter anyway. We've got to deprogram and reprogram to awaken the sleep and get fools like Agent Orange and his cabinet members out of office. Our (mine

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Agreed, LadyPoet45, we still got a lot of deprograming to do over the next couple of weeks. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Vital the core

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Charles2. Time is growing near. We've got to get that fool out of here! Peace and Love, mlowe5.

lasi_gi says:

To be submerged in the modern day blatant discriminative and unequal society may just be what is needed to get things moving in the right direction. Thanks for sharing. mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

lasi_gi, thanks for your continuous supportive feedback. Much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. Thanks. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Supreme Court Justice, one more...

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love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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