hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Sparkling Water Meditation


Views: 224

Sparkling Water Meditation

the brush against my skin basking in the outer banks
a wink toward an hour the Broadway cheer
below in the basement a screen to deliver
cold, colder & snug

in the distance a far reaching coven
Summer has past, those good times will last
building structures in the distance
shelter lies dormant upon each vacant sod

rapped around each suited mixture
at first the sprinkle then later an impulse
my cabinet speaks outer decor
further, the shed of red the cavity hedge;

one sprinkle water marked edge
Lastly, a barren hedge left dire to the foam
another day is dawn.
a droplet behind the window pane;

Outside we grieve, everyone is insane...

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