Amazing(I'm glowing)
Boring(Most times)
Complaining(Constantly, bad energy)
Dead(No growth, stagnant)
Exciting(Adventure everyday)
Gossiping(Always in someone mix)
Hating(Trying to hold you back)
Inspiring(Breath of fresh air)
Just(Fair enough)
Knowledgeable(Seeking to change for the better)
Loving(Prayed for this?)
Nothing special(Something to do I guess)
Optimistic(Future is bright)
Pessimistic (Dark, things are dim)
Quarrelsome(Everyday, fighting and fussing)
Real(Stand on it forever, stamped)
Satisfying(You deserve this)
Trustworthy(Eyes closed and will still follow you)
Undecided(see us together forever)
Vague(Just not clear about some things)
Weighty(A burden, better off without you)
Xenial( Friendly, like really Friends on some sh!t)
You(You matter, but to them do you really matter?)
Zappy( Full of life and positive energy)
Qadar Dwon'