dropped a poem in a bucket to see it rise to the top it quickly surfaced it rippled non stop it didn't get wet because it was air tight and waterproof don't believe I got proof words came to life entering mine all you got to do is look to see signs all you got to do is exist to be able to say "the time is mine" with air and choice to breathe what can stand in the way of one trying to leave I wear a warning sign on me "please do not pull the trigger" I'm one in the chamber don't like members get along with strangers don't smile much I jot my anger with rage like lightening and thunder nine and eleven is my number in love with winter born in summer talk to my reflection and spend time with my shadow love life but the world "don't like" different in a finicky way like what I like hate what I hate a mime in a box can't talk my way out I let the pen talk and let my legs do what they're made for I'm a soldier but I don't make war I know who I am and that's something to smile for I am the Poet but surprisingly the Poet is not I