Per diem
Mark of the beast…
Is now …sanctioned…
By the authorities…
Its… traditional,
Taboo Has been reversed…
In a ceremonial
Coronation, being rehearsed…
Of the neo royal family…
(church bells ring)
And with
Acceptance …of the mantle…
Comes the …responsibility, by
Theoretical principles, made rules
Applied by hypothetical means…
By newly indoctrinated fools,
Participants in the struggle…
Inches …on the rule…
Made, measurements
Used in the…
All out assault
In the name of the authority
On the prowl, to destroy…
Any, but their views
By any means necessary…
The bible …or the bullet…
Stolen ballots, systemic rigging
Of the shade…
One, independent
Of the love…
Lost, not…
…on the dreamers dreams…
Beyond the means
Of the manipulator, murderer,
Masquerader …or the thief…
Poised, to capitulate
…the patriotic call for freedom,
For a subservient role
Under the Beast…
Ever present,
Amidst …the background noise
Numbers …emblazoned in their minds…
Between the null …and the void…
Captured, within the daze
Mindset… perpetually rearranged…
To suit the tangent, being portrayed
As irrelevant …in the maze…
Being created …from the fractured reality
Of a subset of a racial identity…
Seeking the artificial purity
Making all else, but…
The perpetual enemy
In lieu of… a vision of God,
In their own image…
As if, it were always…
What was meant+to+be…
To genetically engineer, neutralize…
And surgically alter…
The fifth element… in all humanity…
To recreate… and pause
To usher in an, unwelcome…
Unnatural change…
In the erratic code
…which comes with a history…
Of violence…
Even, if …pursued, in the shadows…
Screams, rendered silent…
All the more… steeped in the usual cruelty…
The extermination, continues…
As human chains of the double helix…
Are incinerated…
As, if a plan…
Self serving cartels…
Portray… to the drunken masses
A shallow façade, of justice…
Imprinted, through the haze…
As the masses, line dance…
Recreationally, socially…
Accepting …on blind faith…
The latest projections
…of the status
Of the perspectives of the state…
The current perceptual society,
With hate groups …of choice…
Having an equal voice
…in the direction
Of containment
…of deviations,
“the norm”
While the overwhelming majority
…of the masses
Perform meaningless tasks
Associated, with the farm…
Providing endless labors,
Rowing the boat…
To the latest manifestation of Zion
With the newest world order,
Remarkably similar to the next
…and the last…
Teleportation… to a vision…
Forecast, as a mighty warship
In a storm…
As the officers and crew…
Practice and enforce…
The law…
Symbolically portrayed…
As servants to the cause
By the royal family…
And their loyal court…
And the damage control machine…
Which broadcasts on the net…
Works to maintain the status quo…
Runs a perpetual full court press
To keep us satisfied…
Feeding from the trough…
Of an endless supply
…of self expressed fool’s gold…
Feeding the daily dose
…of the drugged stupor
To dash …any and all hopes…
Of self governance…
Against a near endless supply
…of the latest
Iteration, of the newest
Supplied, from the factories
…of evil minded men…
To end the vision of humanity…
As it once was…
As a family…
Supplanted by,
The self imposed,
Rulers of
…a cult, an...
…alternate reality
Meticulously, maintained
…by petty bureaucrats
Of every disposition
…and description…
Fed by
An insatiable appetite...
Criminal intent, no relent…
No sacrifice, of others dignity or grace…
Given any sort of circumstantial weight…
Unless, of course… it serves the state…
One step away from…
Public executions, for…
Anyone, who exercises…
Free …thought…
In consideration, for the idea…
That the slightest deviation
Constitutes …insurrection,
Spritual revolution…
The excessive force solution…
Becomes …viable…
Doing time
As… the…
Self imposed