cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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Pen & Pad


just different

Views: 199

 I went from the boy  that was picked on and now Ive picked up. Moving not losing and deprived I stay hungry foaming at the mouth to get all I want. I rely on GOD. Imagine someone saying it's all an mirage. My mind goes blank sometimes like I'm crazy and then I wake up. On this journey where all things are made to shake you up. Young man black man I see them looking at me with screw faces because I'm trying to be all I can be. With the destruction all around I'm found saying a prayer. They say don't get stuck on your knees but my heart is in the air. They say I don't read the bible enough so I'm not aware! Why all the stares! Why all the rules! Look at these fools using they're knowledge made on they're own as tools. My heart cannot even judge myself so how can I dual? How can I fight? I'm just trying to spread a message about the light, a message about the life, the message about the ways to a smile without bounds or regret. I can't wait to see what's next. As I keep writing on my pen and pad.   

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