Kizle | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Tomorrow Never Comes



Views: 433

It's endless, something vast yet miniscule,

The repetition is suffocating under this rule.

I pray to see the sunrise after It sets,

But in the end there are no safe bets.

Waiting for a tomorrow that has never come,

Stuck within a Today that there's no escape from.

The sun never rises in this desolate place,

Stuck in twilight, there is no saving grace.

Adjusted to darkness and the void therein,

The quest for redemption cannot begin.

So at peace with this terror and pain,

Kept in the darkness is the only way to stay sane.

The light is blinding and unravels the mystery,

It'll leave you exposed and all your history.

The scarred creature you are would be revealed,

No amount of medicine would leave you healed.


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<3 says:

The only time I think you were ever so real and raw with your writing. It's sad that you lost this.

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