The problem was not in the fact that you needed to find yourself... and that the idea of love had been completely distorted and practically damaged by the followings of misguided sources
The issue was in the mere fact that at the moment you knew that the love you could not provide, the love you knew you didn't really have inside., the mistrust you say you had in my kind you could not set aside...
Did not stop you from living the lie
That even when you looked me in my eyes and saw the tears that not only traveled down my cheeks but were waterfalling from my soul deep inside, It didnt stop you from continuing to make me cry
The problem was never that you didn't know what you truly wanted It was more the reality that you knew that and allowed my fantasy of what I thought resembled a beautiful dream become haunted
It was in the way you allowed me to dissapear
To hide and become swallowed whole by the shadows of my fear
The fear in losing the thing I always thought I needed the most in my life
The identity that I felt most comfort in was being a mother and a wife
You allowed me to forget that I was still me
You knew you weren't capable of giving me what I needed but you kept me captive instead of setting me free
I didn't need perfection from you what I needed was truth.
I would've rather have handled rejection than to have stayed everyday living with the demons of the proof
The proof that slowly ate away at the core of our love and then spread just like a cancer.. Ironic that our zodiac signs always claimed such compatibility..
A Scorpio and a Cancer...
To everything you every truly questioned in life at one point I was the answer
We sat and confided within each other and revealed pieces of our past
Now those very pieces I pick up one by one, mixed with the other pieces of a love that fell off of the ledge of wooden dresser and shattered just like glass....
It's not that you didn't keep your promise... that's not what caused me the most pain
It's more in the fact you even uttered words of a promise you knew you could never attain..