Awakened by
Urological pressure,
For some reason
I peeked through the blinds
Over the electrical wires and heads
Of the giant palisade trees
And saw Venus peeking back at me
With a stilled gleaming look
As she quietly sat there staring away.
While attending
Bloated bladder demands,
I realized I had been asleep
For more than five hours!
When I returned to my bed,
It suddenly dawned upon me
That several weeks ago,
My bladder screamed at me
Every hour and a half!
Before falling back to sleep,
I peeked through the blind again
And saw the goddess of love and beauty
Still smiling down on my blessed soul
Reminding me that God does hear and
He does answer our cries for healing help.
For the life of me, I have no idea
Of the exact moment I fell back to sleep;
All I know is that early this morning
The sweet breath of Jesus blew over my eyes
And here I am sharing with the extended
Family who knows just what I am talking about;
To God is the glory. Peace and Love.