Nicky1 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
blessed --:)

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In the Waves I love You


first love

Views: 198

The freshness that sweeps away the night and brings in a sweet tender mild..
it is almost gentle as the heart of a child..
sweetly it gazes out on how beautiful it was created to be..
the scenes never end..neither for a second do they seem to cease..
But like crashing waves they topple over me and caress my hands and neck..
They wash over me and bring me until I reach the ends of the deck.
I climb out from the water..
and I am soaking wet.
I place my hands behind me and reach for my neck..
My hair is now wet and behind my face
I look up to reach for my warm embrace…
there I see you..
so calm as you can ever be..
coming closer.. even now so gently..
You place your hands around my waist
and help me God I don’t know if I can take..
the breath of your air and the whispers of your love
sweetly pouring over me like rain drops, sweetly sent from heaven above..
Don’t leave my love.. not even for one minute..
I love you right now.. rush me to the clinic.
For now I am hospitalized, I know I will be..
safe in your arms from all uncertainty.
Hush.. I am now, for you have become my home..
my heart has found its resting place..
safely deeply knitted in your love.. in the honeycomb!

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LP45 says:

Nice work Nicky1. Thanks for sharing.

Nicky1 says:

Thank you, God bless

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