Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 183200
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 189


Since   the start time of the campaign

When the sailors of the great fleet

Last kissed their brides …and said goodbyes

Until they meet again, should they both survive

Away they go again, for conquest

Fame and glory…

For the gods they claim, immortal

As, if they could be so…


…the afterlife…

Mom, with children by her side

Sons and daughters

Instilled …with foolish pride…

To seed the necessary conduit

For the time they, too…

Must learn how…

To provide



Practical …genocide…

As if, their transgressions

Were normalized…

By their indifference,

Shielding bad intent,

With clouds of misdirection and distraction,

Or …of outright …lies


While their opponents

…are otherwise occupied…

They will strike again and again

Then, criticize the other…

As, if

One evil…

Deserves another…

Getting technical, to obfuscate

And further inundate the scene…

Saying the nightmare…

Of …which they were the cause


While… an unfortunate misunderstanding…

Was an honest mistake, just a bad dream…

And if you don’t buy that…

Defense, goes into overdrive…

(If the victim is still alive)

Blames you…

By some obscure transgression

In your past…

By a bizarre cascade of lies…

The opposition is …provided, legal counsel…

In… an extravagant display …of smoke and mirrors…

False testimony, dubious character witnesses

Who’ll swear …a circle, was square…

Evidence which wasn’t there…

Or other circumstantial realities…


Will simply disappear

(and maybe bribes)

All said…

A legal system compromised

Finely orchestrated… dark arts, sorcery

Practiced, deceit…

Requiring, a defense by

A superb, advocate…


Skills, unimaginably complex…

To expound upon… the stage

The obvious conclusion…

And discredit …the theatrical comedy…

A pseudoscience project…

By practitioners of the trade…


Gunslingers, for hire…

To offset, through years of suffering…

Incremental progress made…

Inspired …by heroes

Selfless sacrifice…

To learn to defeat others misrepresentations

With an array of tools …of the trade…

Opposed, by the pros


Practice …to find, which of the flaws…

In laws, convenient

…to a point, displayed…

By feats of a mastery of deception

Even ones better at the game


Enemies, it may take generations to defeat…


Systems of logic cross connect

Of tactics honed

Through unnecessary losses

Battles which reflect…

A cost, bourn…over many generations

Practiced measures employed, to entrap…

Harry, wound or disable… honest people

Trying to survive, another round

Of the current tide of madness

Of those, whose best portrayed pretences

Still, unapologetically

Instill …wonder…

What next… as the audacity,

Continues in open displays of disrespect

As we should, all

Pledge allegiance to the truth, about…

Our combined …story…

The reality

 Of life, for us…

In these…

We the people

Days, beyond…

A constitution…

Used as a bludgeon

Abused, by those

 Sworn to protect…

Whose predilection is…

To evade and elude prosecution

Backed up, by a prison industrial complex

A system the likes of which

the world has never known…

to keep true criminals …of means…

Forever …on their thrones…


Continuously seeking the edge…

To shift the balance in their favor

Utilizing every potential technical advantage

Displayed among the captains, as each…

Coordinates his or her attack   

 Per the role, assigned

In ways as skillfully as they are able



Systemic strategies deployed

Relentlessly to




…or annoy…



So that hope…becomes, a lost cause






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Sir! Beamed right to the point! And the just keep on coming---with their armadas of subs, drones and satellites pinging their individual assigned deploying oppressive strategy---all given champagned grace! Thanks for this powerful sailing share. Peace and love, mlowe5

poems by this commentor


LP45 says:

Nice work C2.

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