UnderWorldLyricist | Poetry Vibe
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Let's Get Deep!



Views: 220

Hello everybody!

I hope y’all are having a good day.

I just want to chat with y’all for a bit.

I just have some mental thoughts that need to be released.

I know after I present this poem, my comment section will be lit.

Oh well, it is what it is!

For months, I’ve heard all the chitter and chatter

surrounding black lives matter.

I’ve heard every story

that’s been told about our “so-called” history.

But I ask, what if racism doesn’t exist?

What if it’s a game of mental manipulation?

What if this is a way to control the evolution of our generations?

None of us were present when black people were taken from Africa.

Is it a true story that’s being told or is it a false story that’s been cleverly sold?

How would you feel if you discovered the slave trade was never real?

What if there’s hidden secrets about our ancestors that’s been concealed?

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson has played the role of a civil rights activist for so long till it’s actually believable.

They speak openly for the black people but secretly eat at the white man’s table.

Are their motives genuine or are they pawns in this racist game?

Were our ancestors brainwashed to believe they were enslaved in order for our race to be eternally bridled and tamed?

Racism is a mental scar that has ran deep throughout our generation.

I wonder why black celebrities would agree to play in movies that exploit our ancestor’s oppression?

Why take on such a role?

Was it worth selling your soul?

Black celebrities put on a great performance in support of our people on their platform.

Are they genuine or are they doing just enough to convince us that they have not conformed?

Are y’all awoke or are y’all still asleep?

Can I go further, or have I gotten too deep?

Why do black people only get enraged when a white cop kill a black man?

Where is this anger and rage when it’s a black on black crime?

Don’t tell me that we’re not speaking on that at this time.

No matter who commits the offense, we all should take a stand.

I’m not condoning what’s being done to our people nor the actions of the cops.

But this selective protesting black people are doing must be stop.

When a black man kill another, the streets are silent.

When a white man kill a brother, the streets are flooded with rioters and protestors.

If black men keep deserting their kids and degrading our sisters, other races will continue to disrespect us?

If we don’t take a stand in our own community, how the hell will we be treated fairly and just?

If we’re going around killing one another, how will other races take us seriously?

Our brothers have filled prisons all over the nation to capacity.

Black homes have been broken and our people have become each other’s rivals.

Our sisters are left home to raise the kids on their own.

Our kids are influenced by the lies and deceit of their American idols.

When will we take a stand and clean up the problems within our own community?

Brothers and Sisters the protection and the evolution of our people is our responsibility.

Sisters, you don’t have to be loud and common to make your point.

Brothers, the answers to your problems will not be found at the bottom of the bottle, with drugs nor a joint.

Stop using racism as an excuse for not living your life successfully.

You hold the power within your mind to achieve your goals and be who the hell you want be.

Sisters stop bringing all these kids into this world thinking that will keep a man who doesn’t want to be kept.

Stop degrading and shaming our brothers, you’re not the only ones who struggle internally.

It’s time for our people to stop making excuses, pointing fingers and placing blame.

Racism is a mental game that the white man has played on our people generation after generation.

Stop falling for the lies and schemes and start paying attention to the damn signs.

They want us to fight among one another and create separation.

United we stand, divided we will always fall.

Our people alone are a strong and powerful NATION!

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LP45 says:

It's called "the Willie Lynch Syndrome". Great write UnderWorldLyricist. Thank you for sharing.

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