The mountains are moving The spirit is stirring It's something in the oven It smells like it's burning Some bodies cooking up something The table has been set For all invited guest to eat all they want and take the rest home Isn't it amazing how far we've come after what's been done Man can turn off the bulb but man can't block the sun from shindig through Man's insane for trying to there are many things can't be explained Like stars we still wonder what they are I grew up in church I know a lot of people who claim they know God they told me I need to know God too been praying almost all my life and I still don't know who I'm talking to That's called honesty it speaks through I ran into my mothers pastor he say he ain't seen me in church in a while I hide a laugh behind my smile he must think he's Talkingt a child I ain't seen him sober in awhile my experience is fool proof I don't need nobody to tell me the truth its been some time since I been a child