The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 478500
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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 241

it's like a earth quake get out the bed and feel earth shake wishing I was sleep walking and couldn't wake how much more can this mind take left and right brain in a race trying to catch up the heart race at a high rate of speed off to the races mind on speed searching in the dark for something to mark written down thought is how I bleed if you can't stand to see the sight of blood don't read further it only gets bloodier like a menstral cycle continues to flood even though the flow is painful I still can't leave the one I love often asked "when you gone retire" It's not a job it's a hobby I strike the match then fight the power don't hold it against me blame it on the fire its in control deep in the flame can't save the soul hands cold feet too in snow up to the boots this is what I do to get me in the mood light candles put on some music start dancing like I'm romancing another not letting go til it thunders and rains on the parade I got something for that it's called a umbrella or a parasol don't matter if it sprays like aerosol preferably Lysol can't stand to smell Pine Sol with the cap off bedtimes the best time for me because I can't work unless the lights off it's too comfortable to take time off if the clocks broken then times off putting two sticks together don't make a cross solitudes a cakewalk got cupcake money on the book got me a pen pal in need of pen talk so addicted I'm hooked so what if the world shook I'm still on my feet I'm still in the race competing against the enemy trying to hide inside of me  ADHD running around disturbing the peace

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LP45 says:

Yes! Still standing regardless of the circumstances. Perfect title too. Thanks for sharing Wize.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, it's not a job, it's life and we're still perpendicular to the ground with a mission purpose to continue. All praise due---thanksgiving---for being around for the next round! Great write, thanks for the share, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

The Champ is Here......Wize Bomaye!! Diggin' the flows, true treasure...thanks for sharing!!

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