Breadcrumbs2021 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 146

The spirit of a WOMAN
it soars touching everyone
reaching no one
never to be contained
Like the wings of a dove
The spirit of a Woman
it uplifts, it crashes
lays deep buried beneath
the soil
The spirit of a WOMAN
To be reborn again
The spirit of a WOMAN
multifaceted, multicolored
it embraces the essence of the spirit
it roots like that of a tree
firmly planted she shall not be moved
but sometimes shaken
to the core of her being
it flows like the floor
of the ocean and in due
season she brings
forth life
The spirit of a WOMAN
it soars through time
ageless beauty
reaching new heights
longevity compliments her
a soul life force
beauty beyond skin deep
The spirit of a WOMAN
is the essence of life
a gift from the father
The spirit of a WOMAN
never dies.

Patricia Robinson

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LP45 says:

Absolutely amazing. Capturing the essence of our very existence. I loved this write! Thank you so very much for sharing it. Peace and blessings!!!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Beautiful reflections... of the part of the duality, we are... the being, which anchors our very existence... woman.

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