The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Off With The Lid



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 224

only the hood dies young is not a song unsung it's a national anthem and actual truth it's absolute how do I know I'm hood too lived to be much older than 22 how did I survive a younger demise I'm still wondering that too "just buried my 20 year old nephew it was sad to see him go he was a lot like me "didn't like this world no how" it was hard for him to fit into his skin everyone around him thought he was just like them but I could see light in his eyes he had enemies who could see it too that's why they didn't hesitate to put 'em out all this is sad but what's more sorrowful is a mother with out the means to bury her child this is a hood condition I can still remember when I was a child people would go house to house door to door with a jar for a handout look how far we've come from a mayonnaise jar to a go fund me account "let's see he got a iPhone 11 on hold for a 12 and a pair of smackin brand new Jordans on his feet" and ain't got nary insurance policy I can talk about the ones  kin to me it's a family matter I can dig it up "I got the inside scoop" I can show the bones to you we gotta do better than weather the storm but I don't know with all this change maybe it's too late to change "nah bump that" we can't worry bout it later we must break the chains that bound us now death is in the air making rounds in every hood in every big city and small town it's feeding time the streets a beast and every beast gone eat and guess who's the meat lil one's rest in peace

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Peace and Love, mlowe5

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