Breadcrumbs2021 | Poetry Vibe
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A Wink and a Smile



Views: 147

A Wink and a Smile

Driving East
I see the clouds in the distance
I hurry in anticipation to catch
the sunrise
Tumultuous waves and dark blue waters
stretched out before me as far as the eye
can see
dark blue waters pushing up against the rocks
As the sun is trying to peek through
the clouds with only one eye open
I wait patiently for the sun to reveal
itself, I want to be dazzled by its light
It is so cold outside
So I sit in my car waiting
Looking out the window, there are shades of
blue, yellow and a hint of orange,
To the right of me
A smile through the clouds greets me
with a hint of light off in the distance
While I wait for the sun to rise,
but the sun remained hidden
behind the clouds, never to reveal itself
I imagined God peeking thru the blinds
of his window to the world and a little
light breaks through, as he stretches and yawns
he closes the blinds and decides to sleep in for
the day
So I left that place understanding that today
all I would see was a Wink and a Smile

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