Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 34100
contest winner 3
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  double ruby
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En3mY WithiN



Views: 189

The enemy pretends to be

In enmity, with its own identity

Working on subversive 'effigies', experimentally

Nothing more influencing me

Only thoughts of US existentially

Still seeking some serenity

While I help those arrested developmentally

I notice my urges to go berserk temperamentally

And do so with such efficacy

Expressing me effectively

No reason to try to be a GOD of syllabic supremacy

All my goals are mere memories

Searching for a remedy

While utilizing my lingual extremity, impressively

My intended impression be, as an entity named eric lee

Is to create and leave behind a legacy

Even if its considered a heresy, humanoid weaponry

I will remain benevolent, see?!

Until I'm spit upon incessantly

Then benevolent me, will express malevolently

Against ALL those whom have hurt or threatened me

Whether using physicality, words in actuality or through telepathy

I refuse to be easily defused, so I diffuse spewage on pews

Whether or not you've rejected me, I've infected thee

And have already paved my poetic path into lyrical longevity!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

DOPE...Poetic Gymnastics...TOP NOTCH....Bravo...Namaste....ONE

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