J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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Views: 278

Imagine me whispering good morning as I kiss

you softly upon your forehead as to not arouse your slumber.

You smile and place your head on my chest,

I feel our hearts beat as one,

A melancholy of emotions I adore its

Harmonious symphony.

The night before we talk passionately,

Laughter echoed as we conversed,

Your story I listened,

And when we kissed,

It was I who wished to take it no further

I craved your flesh vehemently,

But too soon I spoke,

Let us sleep in each other's arm,

For that time will come.

Imagine if you will,

A moment of tenderness I wish to bestow,

That instead of intercourse I give you intimacy.


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