KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 163900
contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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First Mind



Views: 285


Time frozen

  Stuck in motion

Boat sails in the middle of the ocean

Fishing up  truthful potions

On land is so much commotion

I love it here I'm floating

Rehearsing lines of my poetry

Laughing to myself I once was hopeless

God showed me the open waters

To pour out my thoughts

This was free

it wasn't bought

brought them with me to the party

I was self taught

lit all of my candles because it was once dark

I couldn't see

and that I couldn't accept

mustered up the courage to finally express

and strive to be one of the best

learned how to hold an audience with eloquent finesse

I was good at storytelling so I just mastered my craft

Gift of Gab

Gift of Jabs

12 rounds of poetic flurries

In the end I raise my hands

Fan of intellect

With the like minded I connect

Black sheep of the family

I was always in the back

They hated my lack of being attached

had to defend myself

I was the blessed reject

Blessed with a mind that goes 500 trillion centuries back

Now you know that's Black

No form of technology of could ever hack

something that God kept intact

Always been attacked

For just being different

Didn't follow the crowd they were being led to the slaughter

I went the other way, to find and drink of pure water.


Qadar Dwon' 

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LP45 says:

Awesome write KQD. Loved every line and the flow is phenomenal. Thanks for sharing this.

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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you for always vibing with me! You're appreciate my amazing poet friend..
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Sail on, my Brother! Sail on. Beautiful rhythmic flow full of imagery. I could smell the salty air, see the frothing waves and feel the poetic breeze. Thanks for the sail! Peace and Love.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

You truly are the best King Qadar Dwon'

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Sassy says:

Boom fantastic!
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

I am definitely humbled by the positive feedback! That is so inspiring to me.. Positivity will set things back into the right order.

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