love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 472

Have you ever wanted more?

Could you feel something inside --

That was begging for something more

But so much so that you could not see it

In navigating through life and finding out how to get everything to move like they are suppose to

- - You stopped moving

And then all that there was -- was a wanting

A salivating haunt of dreams that could be seen in your waking hours

Where you could not tell your dreams apart from the days

- - And you are there wanting it

So elusive, you are even scared to actually identify it, move it forward, and execute on it

- - You like so many others have made the fatal mistake

to believe that you are a human being having a spiritual experience

When in actuality you are a spiritual being having a human one

- - The spirit is supreme

And everything else is just distractions

And yet you still want more

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