Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 205






Time’s up…

Rule change, 1.20.2021…

Phase one…

Change… leadership

Adjust attitude…trajectory…

Here comes the sun…

To chase them

Damn …gray, skies…  

Away (Again…)


Jesus has climbed …once more…

On the back of the ass

Reaching forth…

To the hearts+minds

…of the faithful…


On the journey

To the promised land…

We will…

Walk together …once more…


January 21

His will… will come to pass


And, as… another …dawning sunrise…

Comes, fully …into phase…


A new horizon

…will see…


Demon worshippers,

Still seething…

At their loss,

As darkness wanes,


Grieving, that they don’t


Or respect their new boss


…since, their imagined king…

Master …of an alt reality…


Their desired course of choice,

Failed… to stop the sun

From its eventual, timely place

 In these heavenly skies…


To crush the watchful eyes

Of the …hopeful…


Or steal the votes

Of those…


Among us…




Waiting for a heroes

With whom to transverse

These troubling times…


Over the broken down chariots

Of those… who have…


To even capture the majority

Of the electoral authority


The tides …are changing…


The fix, which was prearranged…

Like a broken ship…

Has been impaled …on the rocks…


Of the current freight train… of mayhem

Has run off its track

And won’t be coming back…

The government the prez

…has picked…

Was never up to task…


In fact,

Since nobody asked…

It’s very purpose

Was to destroy …it seemed…

To disassemble

By various, sinister ways…

And by whatever means,


Seeking to disrespect and injure…

The good people working  

On the machine…

Providing life support

…for the American dream…


Yet, the disruption continues,

As waves of hateful acts

Cut at the

Heart and lifeblood of…




The trees of knowledge

…and life…


And, as…

The bully boys

Took the reign

…of power



Blatant disregard

Of inconvenient



As it…


Progressively sicker…


Nobody wears masks…

(They dare, not…)


His enchanted neti pot…

Has run out of tricks,


Hijacked, like…


A jack in the box


Backed up,

By the deranged…

Participants, not sufficiently

Experienced, nor trained…

Followers of powerful people

Dedicated, to …evil…

Self servers

…of well practiced guile…


Long term, frequent fliers…

Caught up…

In a contemptuous

Chain …of LIES,


Corrupted… beyond reason…

Monopoly based …lives…

Playing the…

Sleight of hand, game…

Without mercy, no shame

Next level…

Spiritual crimes…

Practical genocide,

Masquerading …as racial pride…

Questions …of right to exist…

Hearsay …in legalese, myths…

In a dress rehearsal…

Crimes against …other people…

Innocent souls …fleeing persecution,

Get… painted …as evil…

As forgotten souls…

Lost in the melee rounds…

Before the battlegrounds

Get further…


And as the Valkyries

Choose which souls, to …sanctify…

Among those who’ve died gloriously

In battle… in a war

Whose campaign …continues on…

Tides of evil led, forces


Ploy to get the sickness to spread…

Prime time… not just

…in the background,

Of your minds…


Since the not so,

Civil… war

Back when black labor

Was, at the core

Of the money machine…


Back when, in your minds+eye

Favored ice cream

And sweet lemonade


…apple pie…


That …was the only …a dream…

Being …recognized…


Little black peoples…

Freedom, or lack thereof…

Was not your concern…

Until, such nightmares

Came to be…

A real threat…


As the plantations burned

The US Government…



Had no authority… to interfere with

Your God given right…




Your property,

By the law… of man…

As was written …into the bible…

His… holy word…

How you disciplined

Your …servants…

Was none of their concern…

“what about… your freedom…”

Generous …with the whip…

As you saw fit…


There will be no freedom

Until …you bleed for it

(…even die for it)

…unless,  when…

You earn it… time,

And time, again…


No taste of freedom


Without the necessary pain,

Until you are willing …to die for it…

No progress …can be made…


Freedom, cannot be bought…

Begged, borrowed,

Stolen …or taught…

Battles, must be hard fought

Much of what… you most love…

Will be lost,



Your hope for it will come to naught,

Even your payment in full

Will be in vain








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