Nycewitit | Poetry Vibe
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Life is so many things...

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But I live....©



Views: 166

I live with love, I live with hate. I live with gay priest whose jobs are at stake. I live with gossip, lies and lust. I live among people who I can't trust. 
But I live.....

I live with Racism and Discrimination. I live among teens who practice fornication. 
But I live.....

I live in a City in a Poor State. I live with friends who turn out to be fake. I live with Murders, Rapist, and Thieves. I live with citizens who carry mace on their keys.
But I live..........

I live with guns, violence  and pain. I live with tears. I live in shame. I live to watch loves ones die. I live to watch mother's cry. I live in a world where it's OK to kill a baby, but if I kill it once it's born jail is how you repay me. I live in a world that is not fair. I live among people who do not care.
But I live.......

~© Nycewitit ~


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