hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Minus Tide


Views: 223

Minus Tide

skipped rocks through a stream today
the opening of a brand new day
its frame is in minor decay
the bleached wood massed in bone piles,
we pulled it from dark beach and built
fire in a fenced clearing
the posts' blunt stubs sank down
the circled and were roofed by milled
lumber dragged at one time to the coast
We slept there

Each morning the minus tide-
weeds flowed it like hair swimming
The starfish gripped rock, pastel,
rough. Fish bones lay in sun

Each noon the milk fog sank
from cloud cover, came in
our clothes and held them
tighter on us. Sea stacks
stood and disappeared
They came back when the sun
scrubbed out the inlet

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Atmospheric Capture....Bravo...thanks for sharing...>ONE

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LP45 says:

Very nice hitalot, great imagery. Thank you for sharing.

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