Breadcrumbs2021 | Poetry Vibe
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Under Thinking 2



Views: 182

Under Thinking 2

Never found the bed
to much in my head
maybe it was something I just read
all these feelings of dread
got something to do with
my nappy head
I feel mislead
not sure by who
I need more to do
but its cool
I have no one to impress
no need to get dressed
too much coffee
and cigarettes
so self-absorbed
this me, me , me
maybe I’ll switch
from coffee to
tea,  I doubt it,
I need food
that’s it, I’m just
This moment is to real
you know how I feel
I know you can relate
my hunger starts to
dissipate as cigarette
smoke evaporates
Still sitting in my room
my keyboard and me
I’ll stop for now
and turn on the
Good Bye       

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Flow....Write On....Namaste

Sassy says:

That thinking space
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful! We poets/griots can all relate. Wisdom dwells in contemplation; there we find her and continue on to the birthing of words of truth and guidance labouring in the womb of mind. Peace and Love, M'Lowe.

LP45 says:

Excellent! Dig the flow.

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