RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 67500
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Elevation comes from within!

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Kill Shot



Views: 301

Look...Covid 19 vaccine step up on the scene

Gotta few suckers 2 take test run seem extreme

I found the answer 2 this virus kind of quick

Or is it invasion of poison in blood stream I can't get with

Drug shoots through body as atoms split, foreign particles shifts, body shaking not fit, prepacked 4 U, billion dollars generated 2 pharmaceutical companies getting rich!

Yeah...guinea pig guinea pig

Run 2 get your anti Rona fix

As CNN and Fox News push narratives from 5-10, eye open 2 the media tricks

Do you really think they'll spit truth of side effects that we might get?

Do you really think our lives are valued by the government?

I'll never forget...Tuskegee experiment...devils injected us with syphilis killed us off real quick

So no...I won't go 2 no doctor's office expose arm and take that needle

Deceived sheeple line up by the droves, test dummies not certain what wonder drug will expose

Stay compose, take it all in before I make moves, death juice could be end




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The Immortal Wize says:

Yep, Ronnie it's bout to be that time.

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love_supreme says:

I feel you on this one.

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mlowe5 says:

Agreed, RonnieL. I just can't get Tuskegee out of my mind! They say, "History (his-story) does not repeat itself." Maybe so but when it comes to Ourstory, it damn sure has ways of reminding us of similar times. Thanks for the share. Stay safe and healthy. Peace and Love, M'Lowe.

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LP45 says:

I am definitely with you on this RonnieL. My faith and trust stands with God alone. Not man. I'm not a fan of this vaccine either. Thank you for sharing this.
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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope flow!

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scash102 says:

very nice!

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