Breadcrumbs2021 | Poetry Vibe
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  major general
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Somebody's PLAN



Views: 245

Geomagnetic storms
not the norm
what's going on
12/14 total eclipse
of the sun
try as you might
we are in a fight
hexagonal prisms of
climates changing
from climate change
extend the range
4G TO 5G not the same
throw a blanket over
the sun
find away to protect
our sons
0 population
planet reduction
Agenda 21
 Agenda 30
mass casualties
doing us dirty
brain freezes
bloody nose
light the body up
vaccine mixture
causing seizures
lack of oxygen
to the noggin
respirator  failure
broken ventilators
scamdemic- plandemic
to get rid of the old
hurry up and go
you moving to slow
AI technology the
way to go
hologram universe
project blue beam
chemtrails and airstreams
newly elected
same regime
say it again
they on the same team
Mass_Media Alert
they ALL on the same team
predictive programming
to gain allegiance all the
while deceiving
hand over heart
you pledge allegiance
dumb downed education
hyper inflation
mass incarcerations
mad with no melanin
got you staring
at a phone
head shots to the dome
I got to end this poem
its too (d) amn long
I could go on and on
all around the world
the same song.


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Love it🔥💯
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope flow!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Powerful, Breadcrumbs2021. This biochemical cosmic politco-economical-cultural racism scheme is indeed a sceamdemic-plandemic oppressive exercise. Damed! you nailed it! Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, M'Lowe.

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