LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Under the Influence



Views: 355

Worn from life’s daily pressures
Frenemy shenanigans wreak havoc
Testing the elasticity of my nerves,
Just before I snapped,
I asked God for a hand
With a good night’s sleep.
Meanwhile being my worldly self,
Wanting so desperately to relax
I reached for my old friend Jack
Just a simple nightcap or two
To silence cranial voices and
Ease the stress away.
Needless to say all it did
Was crank up the volume.
Screaming voices encircled me
I turned away covering my ears
But it didn’t work,
So I started swinging.
Right hook left hook
Uppercuts and haymakers
But nothing was connecting
Enraged I hulked out
As the fight continued.
I could feel arms and hands
Pulling and dragging me
But I couldn’t see them.
So I kept fighting until
Exhaustedly I fell to the floor.
I could still feel the hands pulling me
But was helpless to do anything.
When I got a breath
I tried to break free, but do dice
My extremities were shackled.
I couldn’t see the hands
But I felt their pressure
On my ankles, knees and wrists.
My heart was pounding!
Still refusing to give up
In that final moment of my fight
A hand touches my head and hair
My fear instantly took flight.
The hands holding me down
Slowly released one by one
As my tension dissipated.
And then I slept.
When I had finally awakened,
Considerable time had passed.
My room was in shambles
Yet I was rested and
My strength regained.
Really can’t explain
Who or what it was that
Held me down as I was fighting,
But I felt their presence as I slept.
Something inside me changed.
Like an inner peace I’ve
Never felt before.
I was definitely under the influence
Of something I may never
Truly understand but I emerge
From my rubble with
A clear mind, an open heart
And a settled soul.
Once again feeling whole
I take a final look around.
It’s time to clean and move on.

12/7 LP45

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

WoW! Thanks for this powerful inspiring share. And I do mean share. Have recently experienced being under a similar influence! Beautifully weird. Over the years, this influence has pulled be under more than once. Now I know it's the nature of being wrenched about in intoxicating creativity that's pulling you under its influence. Yet, when the hangover is overcomed, you "clean...[up]...and move on." So great to hear from you and to know that all is good. Peace and Love, M. Lowe
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

WOW! Lady Poet, this sounds like a potent cleansing, good to see you back doing what you love to do.

LP45 says:

Thank you Mlowe5. Yes its been a minute since I've posted but know no matter what, unless you hear about it on the evening news, I'm always good! LOL! It's good to be back too.

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LP45 says:

Yes Wize, that's basically what this was about. We find ourselves entangled with so much stress and tension that we ready to erupt. And when we're "under the influence" we fight because it's unknown to us and it's only unknown when we don't put enough trust into our Creator when we ask for help. Thanks for your support. You and it are much appreciated. Peace!

Breadcrumbs2021 says:

Hello Ms. LP45, Your writing is descriptive, the visual picture you painted, made me think of so many situations, I can relate to in my own past life experiences. What I learned from reading Under The Influence is that, his grace got you thru the day, and given the chance would have got you thru the night as well, but you made a different choice, you being a child of god fought off those spirits until you had nothing left, imaging god watching you wrestle incoherently to release those negative emotions, until he had seen enough and stepped in to bring you comfort, to soothe your troubled mind, to show favor in times of stress. OK enough said. Now here is a word from the wise, Dress yourself with the whole spiritual armour of god, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood ......(Ephesians 6:12-13) There is no moving on, only moving through until you are tested again. Thank you for reminding me how real life can get based on the things we choose. Peace

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LP45 says:

Thank you for the read Breadcrumbs and you're very welcome. You've pretty much nailed the gist of my write. The wonderful thing about writing poetry is the use of your imagination to reflect real life situations. We poets are the masters of story telling. Thank you for the scripture as well. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

To God, be the Praise and Glory---that very present always reaching out to pull us on! Peace and Love.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

I LOVE IT....PURGE ON....and thank you for sharing....most relevant....Riveting Capture!!!

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LP45 says:

Thank you again 2b for your continued support.

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veelay@hotmail.com says:

nicely written you didnt lose me for a sec upon a second reading the emotion you expressed really sunk in . .good job!

LP45 says:

Thank you for reading and for your support veelay. You and it are much appreciated. Peace and blessings.

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