The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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The Night Before XXX-Mas


just different

Views: 180

T'was the night before XXX-mas and all through the house,

T.H.O.T.s were all high slurping balls in their mouth,

Black girls and White chicks on Molly and Perc,

giving tattoos with hangers (which probably hurt).

The children were nestled on bristles of hay,

since they wasn't gonna get sh1t anyway,

Old Ma watchin' pornos and twerkin'; Old Pop,

yelled "One more Viagra won't hurt me; don't stop!"

The stockings were hung by the chimney with hair,

that fake dollar sh1t you can get anywhere,

Kuron and Big Mike rollin' dice on a book,

and feeling all antsy off white girl and kush.

When out in the street there arose such a sound,

some young thug was yellin' out "Yo hold him down!"

Mike opened the door with the handle all fast,

and saw they was beatin' on Santa Claus @ss!

The reindeer were watching like "Who's gon let go?"

Ashamed like a mutha of Rudolf's red nose,

all flappy and swollen from sniffin' on yay,

then Santa jumped up like "The sh1t's on today!"

He ran to his sleigh and then went through the sack,

pulled out a 380 like "Guess what I'm back!"

The crowd then dispursed going this way and that,

'til Santa sqeezed off on them boys; laid 'em flat!

The reindeer yelled "Santa please just turn away,"

while Santa responded "They gon learn today!"

Kuron and Mike passed him the blunt full of kush and as Santa inhaled it's like sumthin went smush,

'cause now he was F.U.B.A.R. all gigg'lin and sh!t,

while wavin his gun on some n1ggerish ,

he came in the house and he fu♡ked up some food,

and p!ssed on the sleeping kids; that was just rude.

He took Pop's Viagra to get him some sex,

then looked at Old Ma and said "Darlin I'm next!"

But as it turned out that dude Santa aint sh!t,

he pushed Old Pop down and yelled "CALL ME SAINT D1CK!"

Old Ma looked and asked "Who's this n1gga in red?!"

And Santa replied "B!+ch I'm Jigga in bed!"

He bent Old Ma over and after one sniff,

said "F*♡k this I'm out yo she smells like some fish!"

Santa took off with a thunderous fart,

the son of a b!tch blew the chimney apart,

he got in his sleigh; as he rode out of sight,

he p!ssed on us all like R. Kelly; good night.😁👏🎅

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

LOL! Dope flow!
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2b2b2 says:


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