mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 220




            to remain to be the home of the free

            and the land of the brave; where without

            a shadow of doubt—theoretically—the

            resiliency of the latter continues to seemingly

            abort oppressive pregnancies of the former

            in this broken nation where—theoretically—political

            bigotry has been granted a reprieve and democracy

            temporary bail pending the outcome of the federal

            trial America has—theoretically—opened on

            the infamous Pandora Box-like Covid-19 vaccine.


            Meanwhile, captured and webbed in the collusion

            of this nation’s pandemic dilemmas, a bewildered

            world—theoretically—on bending knees

            now holds its scandalous breath as it awaits a scary

            juxtaposed verdict that will—theoretically—expose

            the failure of the ideology of constitutional words

evolving into revolutionary liberating reality.


 Yet, albeit the vision of the present reality in which we’re

 now tasked, let us not be deceived in apathetic awe.  For we

 have not been brought this far over the way for nought; but

 for the non-theoretical allegorical purpose of wringing out

 shed blood and ironing out leftover wrinkles in our sojourn.

 No, the present reality is not yet where we ought to be but—

 theoretically—we are not where we once were in the journey.

 Thus, let us not wallow in deceptive fear hovering over us; for,

 as it has been said, fear is nothing more than “false expectations

 appearing real.”  And this too is theoretically speaking!

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

No doubt, all in a daze....sojourn On!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Peace and Love, my Brethren.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Theoretically, they say we are all in this together!? Peace and Love, love_supreme. Thanks.

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