Hear ye, Hear ye,
Ode to Sir Richard
Exploits of daring
There is no comparing
Commanding austerity
King Richard of infamy
Travels both far and near
To where shores meet grounds
Covering parsec in a single bound
Invitations to invade, from minds lonely
Island accosting, storming less travelled beaches
Idyllic reaches, renown cave explorer
Parading down boulevards of knights
Swords drawn as crowds cheer in delight
House of Magnum projecting assured Lifestyles
His profile is that legend of the long and proud
May he persist perpetual, betwixt crescendo in accolades
For he has conquered and slain, skillfully to appease
A Sir of his stature is rewarded in bountiful release in cascades
For a cacophony in applause is lauded in thus Court of Royal Flush