the environment western society has created
does not compliment our energy
the system is not pure
too many political figures are corrupt
their words are not genuine
their actions are not legitimate
their hearts are not noble
their dream does not correspond with the American dream
tainted with societies of secrecies
imperialistic ideologies
jedi mind trickery
master conductors of systemic conditioning
social conditioning
mental conditioning
environmental conditioning
conditioned to conditioning
coercing us in a state of seeking to exist
when our souls aspire to live
trapped in a real life Truman Show
a reality check, third-eye opens w i d e r
we will not go hungry as we are pawns in their sinister games
we know the system is not pure
their institutions are blemished
their pity is disguised
their hush funds talk
their financial institutions are misappropriated
indoctrination of citizens to rely on this idea of money
using our tax dollars bailing out everything and everyone
except the very people who actually work for them in their system
these politicians are not on our frequency
the so-called elite vibrates on a lower level of energy
stuck in a mindset of selfishness and negativity
unable to even realize they are apathetic beings
we must remove from this thing called programming
let them remain in their own twisted string theories
ignore their well-plotted manipulative tactics
re-engineer our own way of sustainable living
break the invisible chains of systemic captivity
reverse thought processes and alter patterns of influence
realize we don't need someone to come save us
we must save ourselves
the system will never be pure
they do not see us as equals
to them we are not human but we know who we are
we are the alpha and the omega
we are the hunters and the gatherers
we are the healers and the scholars
survival in the system becoming more and more fickle
removal has become necessary
their vibrations are wicked
their actions have become comical
their words continuously questionable
the system they created is not pure
we need to emancipate ourselves