hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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just different

Views: 206


If we stood tall after overcoming our greatest fears

Maybe we would know that most of our problems are self inflicted circumstances

Fighting bacteria is so much different then fighting adversity

Maybe a newer perspective is needed

To show that we don't need to be sweating 24 hours a day

Just to justify the roof over are head

Bur on the other side of things

Not everyone needs to pretend they are so pure

We're in this together and still far apart

Our virtues clash with the sensitivity of teeth feeling it's worth being tested at a candy store in hell

Too cheesy for you ?

Well, maybe that's meant to be the way of this world

Cheesy as all hell

Yet still worth living

If we somehow make it out alive

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Real talk,( If somehow we make it out alive) Spot On!

bang'o lu says:

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it. Last update is that we all make it out dead :) regardless let's enjoy the ride indeed. Asante!

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2b2b2 says:


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