hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Standing Order


just different

Views: 200

The Standing Order
peace, love & groovy
shout of led now glue to thee
savor the box that was meant to relax
the bitter cold had become lax
love, kisses & romance
enter  the vast evidence
lead to your maker withstand
shades of grey, black & blue
what are we to do ?
the electric car through it's barrier
bask in the vast expanse between time & space
between the like filled with utmost Peyton Place
love in sequence in Autumn springs
 like the natural basking through which is evidence
The standing order...
lift up your head, play with the dead
Surrender the crown
left into it's robotic clown
love the standing order in the utmost of swing
let freedom ring
in the moment we make are silence to call
standing test to claim
shouts of songs from the peddle within
learn, listen & feel
some may claim at no big deal
minus the spinning wheel
somebody needs to learn the oceanic quest
in God we trust

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