WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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The ‘Caucasity’...



Views: 182

She had the ‘caucasity’

To tell my guy to act white whilst in ‘their’ white neighborhood (at his front door!?)

The unmitigated gall

To not put any black people on the wall - Sal’s Do the Right Thing

The nerve to cast white actors as Egyptians in the year of our Lord 2016

In the movie The Gods of Egypt, it makes me want to scream! 

The cognitive dissonance to accept an apology, hug, and the fixing of one's hair as a former police officer who murdered an innocent man in his own apartment

The testicular fortitude to utter the phrase

All lives matter, it never ceases to amaze

I stood beside myself and laughed

When old boy tested hard iced tea man’s wrath

What, you gonna smack me that?

Wish granted liquid courage man, I told you not to call me that!


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Sassy says:

Whats Up! Strong, true and real

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The Immortal Wize says:

Yeah, that smack woke Martin
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2b2b2 says:

Tight piece....indeed....opened that can on'em....
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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks Sassy, The Poet Wize, and 2b2b2!

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