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Fed Ex



Views: 159

Have you Fed Ex? Meaning ex, your last relationship?
Did you feed into that relationship?

In a relationship, feeding is an important factor. How do you feed? What is feeding? Who feeds?

Well, some of the answers to these questions can determine if the person you are with now will become your ex.

There is no difference between feeding someone and being fed. They are needed by both partners and depending on what you are being fed will be the difference in your forever.

When you are fed positively in a relationship, the love grows. You blossom and your energy is more positive. Being fed means you are encouraged, trusted, loved, treated with respect, fluttered with compliments, you are nurtured by that person and treated special just because.

But when you are fed negatively - Lack of trust, doubt, insecurities, rejection, jealousy, bitterness, discouragement, anger, hurt, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, worry, negativity and so much more kicks in.

I fed ex with love, hope, respect, trust, spiritual guidance, direction, patience, strength… yet when I so needed food for strength and growth, ex fed me lies, disrespect, lack of trust, hurt and uncertainty. I say that to say this, do you feel loved only through the happiness someone brings?
When a person treats you nice, you are happy and when they don't treat you nice you are sad, unhappy and in a dark place.

Never give anyone that much power over you to detect how your day or emotions will be.

And it is not just in relationships, in everyday situations, you have control over how you will allow any and every situation to affect you.

During my relationship, I truly believed ex was responsible for my happiness, because in the beginning, I found a sense of warmth, love and security through knowing him and being with him. It took me to be fed up with him, or should I say fed up with me to move on and let the relationship end. And what I mean by saying fed up with me is me allowing my emotions to be based on someone else's actions, so I fed ex a one way ticket to - away, so he could get far away from me!

Don't lower your standards or settle for less than you deserve just to say you are in a relationship.
Find that sense of warmth, love and security in knowing you, your worth and who you are in God's eyes.

And yes, there will be times in your life when you will learn your strength will not always come from someone else and you cannot always depend on others to feed you.

There will be times when you will just have to feed yourself. You can become strong, confident, courageous and fearless by eating the proper nourishments daily. Feed yourself the spiritual food that will soothe your soul. Seek God the Most Highest, encourage, nurture, and uplift yourself, smile, see the beauty in yourself, speak positivity in your life. Tell yourself you are destined for greatness!

If you are in a current relationship and you are not feeding or not being fed, it's not too late to save your relationship.

Just imagine, the one you are with now can possibly be your forever.

Talk to your mate, express how you feel without screaming or yelling, strengthen your relationship with positive communication, work better to build each other up, not tear each other down. Stop looking and expecting for your mate to change. The change starts with you!

Ask yourself, what is it about you that you can change? Once your mate sees the change in you, the more calmer you, the less argumentative you, the more patient you, the more loving you… they will want to stay around and return that same positive vibe. If they can't appreciate or accept the positive change in you, then most likely they are not the one. But if they are the one, feed the necessary nourishments.

Feed into your relationship, so you won't be fed up with your relationship.

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