cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 161

 I going crazy and you know why? I'm trying to figure out who made these rules? I hate picking sides. I'm just trying to live, give, and recieve my gifts, but no acre and mules. I look and search for the tools so  I won't have to kiss any stools or be regulated like in schools. Wanting to be free and have a fine lady with me smiling because she respects me and checks when my ambition gets low. I know of the pope, and I know of the throat, I know of the voice that is all in my ear all for a tear from my face. The decisions of the soul powerful enough to change whole worlds. I saw my baby girl... well she's really my niece but I love her like a daughter and would kill for her father. No cover for myself no help to get to my wealth I feel alone on this throne made for drones and robot programmed my no not because they no nothing. Bleeding for riches and gold when gold will go. When can you tell a women you love her glow and she not walk away not knock you a way deep inside her so you can see more. I have sores from this world in  my heart and it hurts everyday so I spray these letters together and try to make it better but it hurts so much I feel like loving is wrong. I am a maniac because I love as hard as I can with every inch of my own soul. Where that will allow me to my opinion to obtain something  different a flow clean because everyone elses water is dirty, gritty with  the concrete they've been fed. I pray to god to give me bread and they call me a maniac. 

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love_supreme says:

Wow, this is a very powerful poem.

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