“A mass Delusion Event”, they said;
“…a rally against reason…”—Fueled
with fantasy and unmasked reality
of what America has allowed. But
be not misled—It has happened before.
It has been said that history—as its self—
does not repeat itself. Questionable?!
That which is true, however, is that history
is consistent in simply making its self over
and over in its always present, now.
Know this! This is not the first time
that there has been a Clorox-like attack
on “A Palace of Democracy” in America;
such history-making events have been
documented and recorded before.
Remember, in its history, American
anarchists have assassinated 4 presidents!
Finally, be aware and know that in each—
all—domestic terrorist attacks, not “most”
but “ALL” of the insurgent anarchists were
white! And there seemed to have always
been that white supremacist flag, waving
in the background.
Now, if you should here that “echoing” question,
“Where do we go from here” (today), just focus
again on the “echoing bell-ringing lessons” of
the great MLK! Indeed, this American family must
remain dissatisfied and must not be at rest until
we have assured that this land has become one
in which “the lion and the lamb” can graze freely
together and where all—not most— will be able to
“…sit under…[their]…vine and fig tree...”[unafraid].
Indeed, let us continue to work towards that moment
in life where we all shall have come to the realization
that our God created us all out of one blood. Indeed,
let us continue to struggle in “Beautiful Chaos” realizing
that to disagree does not mean to disavow. But rather,
we should constantly be working towards “…that day
when nobody will…[have a need to]…shout ‘White
Power!’—[A day when nobody will have a need to]…
shout ‘Black Power!’” –but everybody will talk about
God’s Power…”
In reality, there will always be instances of chaos but
it need not always have to be destructive “Ugly Chaos”.
Let us continue to struggle onward towards that day
when we all can proudly sing “America The Beautiful”!