Colette | Poetry Vibe
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They Don't Know


Views: 156

There are times in life when you will come across or even be around people who “Don’t know.” And when you do, it’s okay. Understand, everybody won’t know you know you, and because they don’t, don’t get mad or take it personal. They may only know you up to the level of their perception of you, and that too is okay. As long as YOU know you, that should be what matters.

Some people don’t know or see the good in a person until that person is gone away from them and don’t have dealings with them anymore. In some cases, they later realize they lost or missed out on a good thing and it was because they didn’t know at that time. If they don’t know or see the value and asset you bring to their life or to their company, then that is their lost.

But ask yourself, how can you expect them to know who you are if you don’t know who you are?
When you are strong, confident and smart, some will see that and embrace it, some will fear it, and then some will be intimidated by it. Sometimes confidence can come off as iness, but it really isn’t.
But now that I think about it, it’s not for them to see you, it’s for you to see you for yourself. I see my strength, I see my confidence, I see the beauty in me, so as long as I see it, it doesn’t matter who doesn’t see it.

You should be so bold and so sure of your strength and your greatness and who you are, to the point that you are unphased and unbothered by their unawareness. Everybody will not be where you are visually and confidently, and that is understandable.

Let’s reflect, Jesus KNEW who He was. He knew how powerful He was. He knew He could heal the sick and raise the dead. He knew His strength, that’s why He was unbothered when they mocked Him, put thorns in His Head, hung Him on the cross and crucified Him. He could have been mad, had anger and revenge upon them and say, “Ooh, wait til I come back in three days, I’m gon get yall. I got something for all yall who wronged me.” Or, He could have told His Father to do harm to them, but because He KNEW who He was, He didn’t seek revenge. He said (Luke 23 vs. 34) “Father, forgive them, for they Do Not Know...” 

When you truly KNOW who you are, you won’t have to convince, persuade, beg, plead, push, force, insist, threaten or give ultimatums. Everything will all align naturally. So, continue to be you and let your light so shine and know, it's okay if they don't know.

Moral of the message -
Know who you are. Be confident in who you are. 
Know your strength! Know your worth!

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mlowe5 says:

A Powerful Igniting Inspiring Message, Colette! I now know you, because I know us and we know Jesus. What a blessed moment we share in each others' life. Peace and Love, M'Lowe.

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