Colette | Poetry Vibe
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The Present Dent



Views: 146

The present dent is so disgusting and aggravating at times, so much so, that something has to change.       
I can truly be honest and admit, I got a problem with this.
Yes, it is definitely time to get rid of this eyesore and draining present dent. Enough is enough! I’m done! I’m so sick and tired of looking at and hearing people talk about this present dent. 
There has to be a way to fix this. This has been going on wayyy too long. 

Well, finally, finally, finally I figured it out and did something about it. 
But as for you, what do you think should happen to the present dent? 
Yes, the present dent. “The Dent.” The dent that is in your life. 
Truth be told, we all have “Dents.” Dents in our relationships, our finances, our health, our faith, our direction, on our job… 

A dent can be from pressure, from a hit, from a mark made in the surface of something… Too much stress can cause a dent in your mood and attitude. Your confidence can be dented by negative words spoken. Your finances can take a hit due to a job loss, cheating can cause a dent in your trust… and so on and so forth.

If it’s becoming too much for you too, I’m here to tell you, do what I did and shift your focus. Don’t focus on the present dent. Look above all negativity and obstacles with a positive mindset and keep your eyes on what really matters. Positive results require positive thinking. Don’t let this dent distract you or continue to dampen you. It’s true, dents in your life can be fixed, they can bend you, but don’t let them break you.

You are strong, you are beautiful, you are so deserving to be blessed and happy.
Strengthen your faith, think positive, believe, be patient, embrace the process and watch the transformation.
As for me… I’m knocking my dents out slowly but surely.

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mlowe5 says:

A beautiful positive allegorical message whose title is well fitted to the message. Knocking with you and looking at those "Warted Bumps" you will aide in giving draining smoothness to. Thanks for another profound share. Peace and Love.

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