Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 384

How will I ever know
That what I’m doing is correct?
When everything that I think is right
Seems to be the very things that she rejects.

Only love & happiness
Are things with her, that I do project
But there’s still something missing
That makes us have this “disconnect”.

What is it exactly?
I guess I will never know!
As long as “it” isn’t in our realm
Then we’ll be limited on how we grow.

I lover her much more
Than my words could ever explain
I lover her with my entire heart and soul
And with every section of my brain

But it’s still not enough
Because she’ll always find fault
And some reason to complain
And to rarely see her smile anymore
Just drives me crazily insane!

What can I do for our situation
If nothing really seems to work?
‘Cause no matter how much effort I put to make it better
She makes me feel like a jerk!

I’m honestly feeling the weight of my sorrow
As I ponder on how this night will end
Will we end up as bitter enemies
Or will she remain my wife and best friend?

At the moment I guess
All I can really do is wait
And just continue to give love
So for that, she can’t try to relate

If things don’t work out
According to how I do plan
At least I know
I did all I can with the power of my hand1


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