got a email that made me mad
the person who sent it was feeling
sad telling me all about their troubles
I can't help none I still struggle
with my own problems and vices
all I can give is sound advice
if I got a loaf you can have a slice
anything else comes with a price
ask any one who ever been crucified
a new life come with sacrifice
what do I have to give do you
truly wanna live life or death
is in the tongue you don't need
a gun to take your life stop
talking suicide it's probably not
your time I'm trying to change
your mind between the great
divide what's an ocean to
a tide I have to step aside
it's your life and up to you to
decide the decisions not mine
it would hurt me if you follow
through all I could say is
" I knew but there was nothing
I could do" to convince you to
stay in pain long enough for it
to go away truth is it never
goes away it just hibernates