RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Elevation comes from within!

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Views: 246

Can eye...


Kiss the sky my eye on

God givin creative vision

Listening 2 inner spirit spittin


Energy 4 me shine like prisms

Through bald point pens or I phone


Release art label me as P.O.E.T.R.Y



4 eye feel the breeze stardust dripping...

from leaves of imagination blowing


Flowing as eye trace life of 

broken lines. Hard 2 find truth

behind lies that's givin


Growth and wisdom.

Remember sitting up in them kitchens

long time ago, father told me respect

is earned eye listened


Planet rotation stay spinnin. Through

good or evil intentions. Head stay on 

swivel pivot from devil's traps plotting


Mind stay complex dropping...

beauty of word play all day 4 eye

count the ways of own doing


If u sleep u losing

Eye open never snoozing...

4 life is blessing 

Learn life lessons that keeps 

me moving


Hate 4 mankind?

U do the shooting

Pull out first we all ride

in black hearse crying


Globally people dying

Even though mask on face

invisible particles float 

through space delivering

death blows


So it goes the new normal

takes it's place, vaccines trace

your DNA with every step

u take


Hate 4 color of skin 

still takes place

See those swirling red&blues

behind me, wondering is this the

night they take me 2 my final

resting place 4 ever!


Never will eye put pen down

and turn back on this art form 

eye found, jotting down words

that free me


Feel me as poetic flows goes

in your soul taking control of 

vibes exposed, bobbing head 2

and fro 2 beat and words expressed


Yes...eye manifest, trying 2

be a better man even though 

eye fail at times


Not perfect 4 these poetic rhymes

dissect feelings that spread like

cancerous cells that propels me 2

keep creating


This piece?

Relating 2 the real me a poetic

soliloquy in my eyes that shine

like diamonds


Realizing life goes by

Just trying 2 kiss the sky



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, RonnieL, for this beautifully profound pen. Such a great rhythmic wordplay flow imaging a powerful message of poetic mission purpose of those chosen by the Creative Creator to 2 word D creative awareness of truth. Peace and Love.

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