Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 175

Pick me, pick me, you beg and plead
You think that you just what he need
Today, you in the game, yea!!!
Today you get to play and that totally made your day
But you don't love the game, you love the Coach

You're getting a home visit from Coach. Yes, he says he's coming over.
Wow, you do dumb ssh for love when he's on his way
You quickly hide clothes in the other room, you throw stuff here, there
You run and tuck and when he's not around, you don't give a pluck
Clothes are here, there, everywhere scattered
When he's not around, nothing about clothes or your room even matters

You think and think and think of him
You think of 100 reasons to call him
Think of two reasons not to call
One, he's not going to answer, two, he's with that witch
Why she gotta be a witch? Cause you want her man? 
There you go, when are you gon learn
Second string on the bench, waiting again for your turn
How long will this go on? Will this ever end? 
You've been waiting for a month for Coach to pick you again... Really???

Six weeks have passed, he doesn't even look your way
He doesn't give you or your name a call

She is staying in the game.
Why wait for the starter to get an offside penalty? 
She's not trying to get no technical or foul out
She's playing tackle with him while you playing touch
You wait so patiently to get put in
But put you in for what? You on the bench and still getting ran over

Don't you see, you don't mean what you think you mean to him
And no, you're not no challenge or no threat to her

But silly ole you, still wanna be part of the team
So you try some new plays to impress Coach
Of course it's his way, cause when it's all said and done
Only the player that's gonna help him win get to stay in the game

And one thing I know about the game, you can get cut for no reason
There are many others trying out for your spot, but so far
There's only the two of you who are actually on the team roster

Stop playing second string, second string doesn't get acknowledged
Don't get no recognition and you don't get to meet the fam
Girl, you're not no second string material, get off the sidelines
You are not obligated to stay, you are a free agent
You deserve better, dream BIG, become part of a team
Where you won't be the Coach's player, you'll be... The Coach's Wife!

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The Immortal Wize says:

I like how you delivered this powerful message.

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